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Sanjay Shukla

06/30/1957 - 10/25/2021
Service Date: 10/29/2021
Service Time: 2:00 PM
Service Location: Bunker's Garden Chapel - 33 N. Centennial Way, Mesa, Az 85201
Visitation Date: 10/29/2021
Visitation Time: 2:00 PM
Visitation Location: Bunker's Garden Chapel

Sanjay Pravinkant Shukla, 64, of Chandler, AZ, passed away on Monday, October 25, 2021.

Through his jovial nature and optimistic demeanor, Sanjay was a brilliant man who pursued the journey of lifelong learning. An engineer at heart, he enjoyed reading and the exploration of new ideas. He treasured life through music, art, philosophy, and culture. Sanjay was a great father, husband, and a source of inspiration for his son Vivek and wife Sujata. He will be loved and missed.

Funeral Visitation and Service will be held at 2:00pm on Friday, October 29, 2021 at Bunker Family Funeral and Cremation, 33 N. Centennial Way, Mesa, AZ 85201.

Arrangements by Bunker’s Garden Chapel, www.bunkerfuneral.com. Should this obituary appear anywhere but www.bunkerfuneral.com, please check our website for accurate details and service information.


  • I worked with Sanjay for 9 years at Vanguard. Five years on the same team. Always a pleasure to work with and a wealth of knowledge and experience in so many areas. He always spoke highly of his family and shared many stories and experiences. Everyone that knew him at Vanguard speaks highly of him and will severely miss Sanjay.
    Bill Trinter, team mate

  • ??? Please accept my heartfelt condolences and sympathy on sad demise of Sanjay . His departure was very shocking for me !! He was a kind , humble and passionate person. His memory will live on with me and all of those whose lives were touched by him. Sujatabhabhi , You and Vivek are in my thoughts and prayers ??? may Divine mother bless his Saul . His soft and calm voice will be missed .???

  • Dear Sujata & Vivek my sincere condolences to you and your family, with love regards from Bhavna Lad, UK

  • Dear Brother Sanjay will always be missed. May God Bless his Soul and Rest In Peace and give all of us the strength to bare this loss. He was a fine human being and truly loved Sujatabhabhi and Vivek. Aum Shanti???????
    -Douce Shukla

  • Dear Munniben, Vivek and all of Sanjaybhai’s family— my deepest condolences to you. Though I only had the chance to meet him a handful of times, I very much enjoyed and looked forward to the engaging, wide-ranging conversations we would always have. May his soul Rest In Peace. ??????

  • Dear Munie and Vivek, you are in thought and prayer. Sanjay was kind, intelligent, and a wonderful man. We will miss him. He will be in heaven looking over both of you. Love.

  • Munie and Vivek. Our deepest condolences! Sanjay was a very compassionate gentle and very intelligent! We have spent so many good times over the years in Michigan with him and am so glad we got to spend some time with him last year! He will be missed ! Sending you lots of hugs !

  • Sanjay and Monisha Kumar

    Dear Munni Ben and Vivek: It is never easy to find words to express ones feelings when there are no words that can fully capture the depth of what one is feeling. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time. I will remember Sanjay Bhai for his gentle demeanor. He was well read and a wise man. ?

  • Our deepest condolences to Munnie, Vivek and family. Over the years having known Sanjay when he was with us in Michigan and we staying with him while we visited Phoenix… what a gentle, kind Soul he was! He was very bright, compassionate man. He surely will be missed. May his Soul Rest In Peace! Munna, Vivek …we are only a phone call away so plz do not hesitate if we can be of any help.
    Take care and be safe.
    Prakash, Shruti, Ravi, Rhea

  • Sanjaybhai was a pure soul. I cannot fathom the fact he has left us. Loving, humble, and witty he was. A man with bountiful knowledge and a true encyclopedia. We had long conversations, whether it was finance, religion, music and his advice especially in the field of finance was remarkable. We shared common interests in music, musicians and the list can go on and on. I enjoyed discussing and advising different aspects of medical knowledge In his last days he had called me and breathless was he at home and I knew something terrible was wrong. The ER doc and I discussed thoroughly his case and the initial treatment had begun. There were complications that need more expertise treatment which required transfer to a different hospital. The blood clots were dissolving. More complications led to septic and finally cardiogenic shock. We all prayed intensely but God had a different plan. I wish I was there till the end to be with him and hold his hand. He will be missed truly and dearly Lots and lots of love to Vivek and Munnie

  • May his soul Rest In Peace. Sending my condolences to everyone he cared about and loved in this difficult time.

  • Bindu and Nirmal Kapadia

    Munni and Vivek – we are so saddened to hear about passing of Sanjay. Our deep condolences and prayers to you. I echo all that is said about him and want to add that he always made sure he wished everyone on birthdays and special events on our WhatsApp chat. I will miss his absence as he always made it special.

  • Ranjit Daphtary

    A kind, considerate, well read and intelligent young man, a life full of expectations has been cut short, snatched away before it’s time, spreading sadness among those whose path he crossed.
    As for Munni and Vivek, a loss such as this will create a void, difficult to cope at the beginning but passage of time will not only soften the blow, it will help deal with a new chapter that is about to unfold in their lives.
    Sanjay will be missed. May his soul Rest In Peace.

  • Shripal Daphtary

    Dear Munieben and Vivek, I’m so sorry for your loss, Sanjay was such a wonderful, intelligent and kind husband and father. He will be missed by all who knew him. Much love to you both.

  • Jyoti & Janak Vyas

    Dear Sujata bhabhi and Vivek, we have no words to express the pain in our hearts. Sanjay filled such a delight in our lives that we cherish every moment. Dear Sanjay, you will always be in our thoughts. You are genius, live encyclopedia with depth of knowledge. Very much enjoyed our candid conversations on various important issues. Rest in peace. We will meet again.

  • It was a shock when I heard of Sanjay passing. He was a very knowledgeable and had a such big heart to share that knowledge. He was a BIG help to our team in Vanguard when he was with us to help with SharePoint migration. He was such a patient and calm person that every time I asked for help he would stop & explain every detail. From his conversations I had gathered he doted on his wife & son. My heartfelt condolences to you both and may God grant you the strength and peace to bear this loss. Keep his memory alive.

  • Nirmal C. Kapadia

    Dear Munni and Vivek

    Sanjay was a nice , gentle soul. He left us too early. Although we had spent little time together due to distance , it was always a pleasure when you were here during holidays in Philadelphia. We will all miss him very much. Wishing you continued courage and strength during this time to carry on. Out prayers are with both of you.

  • I wish to express my very deepest and most sincere condolences to Sujata and Vivek whom I’ve not seen since he was a baby. Sanjay and I had adjoining offices at Frigidaire in Dublin for several years. We traveled together on projects and shared uncountable lunches together. Sanjay was one of the gentlest and kindest humans I have ever met. He was a true gentle soul and a gentleman. I don’t think I ever heard an unkind remark from him in all the years I knew hm. I am deeply saddened to learn of this loss. I was just thinking of him today and looking his information up online to give him a call when I discovered this notice. If I had only thought to call a month ago. I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to be a better friend and stay in touch more. Travel Swiftly and Safely My Friend.

  • Sanjay was a kind, funny and, gentle person who was a joy to be around. I worked with him at Frigidaire and enjoyed every minute of it. I was a shock to hear of his passing. He will be missed by family and friends.

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