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William Russin

- 12/04/2024

William Russin, 73, passed away peacefully on December 4, 2024 in Mesa, Arizona. He is survived by his wife Christina and their dog Nikko.

Bill was a botanist and microscopist at the University of Wisconsin and Northwestern University. After Chris retired, they traveled full time in their motorhome for over 5 years. Bill loved hiking, cooking, rock hounding, and photography. He was an excellent musician and often entertained Chris on the road by singing silly lyrics to her favorite songs.

The family wishes to thank the staff of Emerald Glen Memory Care for their exceptional care and compassion.

A Memorial Service will be held in Bill’s honor at a future date.


Arrangements by Bunker’s University Chapel, www.bunkerfuneral.com. Should this obituary appear anywhere but bunkerfuneral.com, please check our website for accurate details and service information.







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