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Todd and Brenda Edwards

Service Date: 09/02/2022
Service Time: 10:00 AM
Service Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Eastmark Stake Center
Visitation Date: 09/01/2022
Visitation Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Visitation Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - 9431 E Point Twenty-Two Blvd Mesa, AZ 85212 (Innovation Park Building - Cultural Hall)
Interment: City of Mesa Cemetery

Those wishing to view the services online, may do so at the following live stream link:


The world became a little brighter on April 15, 1967, when Corwin Todd Edwards was born to Corwin and Shari Edwards in Mesa, Arizona. Not many knew at the time what an influential man he would become, but his parents knew immediately. Soon after Todd’s birth, the family moved to Salt Lake City, Utah, in 1968. The world became measurably brighter still when Brenda Lee Woods was born on October 30, 1969, to Ray and Jane Woods in Salt Lake City, just one mile from where Todd was going down slides and riding the swings at University Village. Not many knew at the time what a beloved woman Brenda would become, except for her incredible parents and older sister Vicki. Todd became a model big brother to Chris, Eric, Jennifer, and David.Todd loved sports, especially baseball and basketball, in his early life, and later golf and running nine marathons – working toward the goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. Brenda loved her friends and crafting and became an accomplished photographer, particularly for her family and anyone’s babies. She joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints at 16 under the influence of her older sister Vicki and friends. Her parents later joined the Church due to the impact of their two daughters. Over the next few decades, Brenda and Todd developed into genuinely unique and notable individuals, all-time great humans, possessing the ability to impact many people in various positive ways. These two rising stars grew up very near each other in Salt Lake City; he graduated from Cottonwood High in 1985, and she graduated from Olympus High in 1987.After high school, Todd was called to serve in the Chile Osorno Mission, where he worked dutifully, eventually serving as Assistant to the President. Meanwhile, Brenda enrolled at Brigham Young University to study. No force of nature could hold these two stars apart for long. Brenda transferred to the University of Utah, where Todd was already majoring in Finance, eventually earning an MBA. They met at an Institute of Religion function at the U of U, and then a mutual friend set them up on a first date to see the holiday lights get turned on at Temple Square. Brenda and Todd stated that they knew that night they had met the love of their life and were soon engaged and sealed together for all time and eternity in the Salt Lake Temple on July 19, 1990.Astronomers know that when two stars collide, they form an even bigger and brighter star than either was before. This describes the union of Todd and Brenda perfectly. Other people noticed that these two were exceptional in every way: faith, intelligence, kindness, discipline, and service. Their beautiful first child Brooke was born in 1991, followed by the equally beautiful Alyssa in 1993. Their amazing son Corwin Seth came in 1997, and then they completed their glorious family unit with their beautiful daughter Camille in 2000. Over the years, the young family moved for Todd’s work with AT&T from Salt Lake City to Bothell, Washington, and back to Salt Lake City, then Allen, Texas, where their four children excelled in academics, dance, swimming, music, and the Tallenettes at Allen High. Brenda had the unique talent of making homes filled with love and a great sense of welcome for all. She was a fantastic cook and shared that talent with many neighbors and those in need. Brenda made holidays especially magical all year long with decorations and parties many will remember.They were so proud when Brooke chose to serve in the Guatemala Quetzaltenango Mission. They were equally proud when Alyssa chose to serve near Brooke in the Nicaragua Managua Mission. Seth next served a mission in Brazil Sao Paulo, and who could be surprised when Camille decided she too would serve, being called to the Cincinnati, Ohio Mission.Their daughter Alyssa married a fine man named Christian Leach from Peoria, Arizona, while studying together at BYU. Together, they gave Todd and Brenda two beautiful grandchildren, Jackson (almost 3) and Lucy (almost 1), in Mesa, AZ. Brenda and Todd moved to Mesa, Arizona, in 2019 to be closer to their family. Brooke had also relocated to Mesa, while Seth and Camille pursued university education in Utah.Todd and Brenda believed their children were their most significant work, and if parents can be judged by the quality of their children – they must be considered amongst the most accomplished parents ever. Todd and Brenda also loved serving in the Church in various capacities; he served in several bishoprics, as Bishop in Allen, Texas; held several High Council callings, and most recently served as 2nd Counselor in the Mesa Eastmark Stake Presidency. He often described missionary work as his favorite church calling and served in the Gilbert Arizona Mission Presidency. They both believed that missionary work was a life-long calling they acted on at every chance. Brenda served in Nursery, Primary, Young Women’s, and Relief Society presidencies at different times, most recently in the Relief Society Presidency of her Inspirian Ward. Brenda and Todd showed excellence in teaching and service in every church assignment.The family prioritized spending time together and have always been very close, traveling together often. They recently spent an entire week in a beach house in California before they and their children had to get back to work, family duties, church callings, and education. Most of the family returned to Arizona at the end of that memorable week together. However, Todd, Brenda, Brooke, and Camille chose to do a session in the San Diego Temple before returning home. Brooke decided to fly home directly afterward, to our eternal relief. Todd, Brenda, and Camille were in a terrible car accident while returning to their home in Mesa on Friday, August 19, 2022. Todd and Brenda were taken instantly and without suffering. Camille is currently fighting for her life with all the love and support of her siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, and even strangers whom this great family’s circumstances have touched.Brenda and Todd will live forever in the hearts and minds of the many fortunate people they have touched and through the good works of their children. How remarkable that Todd and Brenda’s first date was at a temple, and they spent their last day doing temple work with family. It would be hard to imagine a more prepared and faithful couple leaving this life.VisitationInnovation Park Building – Cultural HallThursday Sept 1, 5pm-7pm9431 E Point Twenty-Two BlvdMesa, AZ  85212FuneralEastmark Stake CenterFriday Sept 2, 10am10725 E Point Twenty-Two BlvdMesa, AZ  85212Link to stream it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NP8fYDOtwLcIntermentCity of Mesa Cemetery1212 N Center St, Mesa, AZ 85201

Arrangements by Bunker’s Garden Chapel, www.bunkerfuneral.com. Should this obituary appear anywhere but bunkerfuneral.com, please check our website for accurate details and service information.


  • George and Elaine Boyack

    To our precious and dear friends Corwin and Shari Edwards, we have loved your family from University Village years and thereafter. We send our heartfelt sympathy and sadness for these two amazing children of God. We love you and pray for your continued strength through this difficult time. May the Lord be with you, their children, and all other family members.

  • I lived across the street from the sweet Edwards family in South Jordan, Utah. Such wonderful and caring people. I send all my love and prayers to the family, and especially Cami. May God be with you all. ❤️

  • I was heart broken to this sad news. I am so sorry for the loss your family has experienced. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. May god bless you all!!

  • Todd was an amazing individual. Endless childhood memories come rushing back when I think of him. My heartaches for the Edwards family, please know how much I love you all and the valued friendship we have shared.

  • Jan Smith La Bard

    We are shocked and saddened by this event. Todd and Brenda lived across the street from us in South Jordan, Utah, when their children were born. We loved them all very much.
    We send our heartfelt condolences to the family, especially the children. May you find comfort in your memories and the knowledge that Todd and Brenda are still together.
    With much love, Marvin J. and Jan Smith La Bard

  • I wanted to send my love and condolences to the Edwards family. I am heartbroken for you. Your family was such an example to me growing up and I cherish all of those memories. Todd was a good friend to my brother growing up and I know he left a lasting impression. I pray that you will feel all the love being sent to you at this time and know what an impact your family has had on so many throughout the years. I have been blessed for knowing you.

  • Zane, Angie, and Hannah Butler

    Our hearts are heavy with the news of the passing of Todd and Brenda. We began our friendship when our girls were Tallenettes together. The Edwards were so giving of their time and never turned down an opponent to help. We worked many an event together and enjoyed laughing and cheering and even dancing on occasion…! They were wonderful parents and devoted supporters! Prayers for the Edwards family and especially sweet Cami!

  • Sending condolences, love, and strength to all of Todd and Brenda’s family. Remembering the support my family received from them over the years in Allen. So saddened to hear of the accident and their passing. Also will keep praying for Cami. ❤️

  • Clark and Vicki Andersen

    We are heartbroken. Such a tragedy. What an amazing couple and how many lives they have touched.. We hope that Todd and Brenda’s good works inspire their children to follow in their footsteps and do great things. It appears they are loved by many. Best wishes to the Edwards family, and Brenda’s family.
    Clark and Vicki Andersen

  • My heart dropped when I heard the news of Todd and Brenda’s passing. Brenda was a good friend of Laura Whitmore, who was a childhood friend of mine from my home ward. That is how I got to know Brenda. Brenda was the sweetest, kindest person I knew in high school. I wasn’t surprised when she was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. Laura kept in touch with Brenda, and when a group of us childhood friends reconnected a couple years ago, she kept our group of friends up to date on Brenda.

    I want to express to your family my deepest condolences. This world has lost two amazing people! Thank you for sharing more of their lives in their obituary. Even though I hadn’t seen Brenda since high school, I know she was an influence for good on this earth. May you find peace in your faith and your eternal family bonds.

  • Nellie B. Sellers

    Todd and Brenda made lots of wise choices. I am thankful for them, and for their parents, and others who inspired them. There will be great rewards for those who choose to follow the Savior. “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.”

  • Our hearts sank when we were given the news about Brenda, Todd and Cami. They are the sweetest family we have ever met. Cami and my daughter Ana danced together for the high school drill team, the Tallenettes. Brenda was just a gem. The day after we dropped our oldest daughter off at college, she rang our doorbell with a box of Kleenex, ice cream and a warm hug. We were so fortunate to have known them. We are praying for Cami and the entire Edwards family.

  • I was so deeply saddened to hear about this tragedy.

    I met Brenda through Mutual. She had such a bright and shining spirit. Having gone separate ways after high school, I did not have the honor of meeting Todd or their children. Undoubtedly they are amazing individuals. Watching the service and seeing their love and strength for each other was beautiful. Praying for Cami and the entire family. All of you are in my heart.

  • Sidney Stringham Fullmer

    Paige and I loved having you (Brooke) as a friend growing up. We have fond memories of playing school, barbies, and outside games with you (and sometimes Alyssa). We remember that crazy awesome Harry Potter birthday party Brenda gave you :). We’ve missed you ever since your family moved away. We’re so sorry to hear about your parents and Cami. Our family has been praying for you all and been thinking of you often. Love, Sidney, Paige, Brian, Cherie, and Ethan Stringham

  • Dear Jane and Ray, sorry sorry to learn of this tragic news. My sincere sympathy and thoughts go out to you and your family.

  • I thank the many who have written kind memories of Todd and Brenda on this website, and for the many, many more who have shown love and kindness in small and large ways, directly and indirectly, to their family and our extended family and community since this tragic event. My love to all. Chris Edwards

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