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Michelle Lee

02/07/1959 - 07/14/2023
Service Date: 07/28/2023
Service Time: 10:00 am
Service Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 2202 N. 74th St. 85257
Visitation Date: 07/28/2023
Visitation Time: 9:00 am
Visitation Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
Interment: City Of Mesa Cemetery

In loving memory of our dear sister, Michelle Lee.  Michelle was born February 7, 1959, in Albuquerque, New Mexico to Mike and Shirlene Lee. She is the oldest of three daughters.  When she was three years old, her family moved back to Tempe, Arizona and has lived there ever since.  She loved growing up in Tempe where she could see the beautiful buttes, the Phoenix Valley traveling west on McDowell, and Scottsdale, Mesa, and Tempe traveling east on McDowell.  She felt we had the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets.   Michelle grew up loving to create things through different crafts, studying astronomy, and especially reading the scriptures and learning more about our Savior.

In 1983 – 1984 Michelle had the blessing of serving a mission to Viña Del Mar, Chile, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  She loved serving the people in her mission, and made life-long friends, who were more like brothers and sisters to her.

About twenty some odd years ago, Michelle changed positions in the school system, from being a computer lab teacher to teaching Special Education.  This became her dream job, and she loved working with her students and her co-teacher.  It was time for her to move on 7 years ago when she decided to teach Special Ed in high school.   She was blessed to get a position at Chaparral High where she taught very special young men and young women, who are medically fragile, and those who needed special assistance. They taught her just as much as she taught them.  Michelle loved them with all her heart, and their families as well.  They became family to her.  She had a wonderful group of co-teachers, Paras, and Nurses whom she loved dearly and they became family to her too.

Michelle will be missed by many, especially her sisters Cindy and Kristine Lee.  However, we know she is with mom and dad, and many other loved ones.


  • Jimmy & Josie Bevell Family

    We love Michelle so much. She was a wonderful adopted auntie to our girls, always thinking of them and showing them kindness and generosity. We also loved serving with her in primary. She has a special gift to connect with children and serve them. We will miss her. Our love and prayers are with Cindy and Krissy Lee.

  • Dan and Pam Steenhoek

    What a wonderful lady Michelle had become. Love this family.

  • Ellen and Tom Young

    Michelle always put others first. I could always count on a message from her on special days. I will miss getting those messages with her sweet thoughts of me and my family. We love you Krissy and Cindy, and our thoughts and prayers are with you.

  • I love the picture you chose of Michelle! It is exactly how I think of her. Always smiling and making others feel happy and joy. She is a wonderful person. My deepest condolences to Cindy and Krissie. I love you.

  • Jessica and Jacob Rosas

    I first met Michelle when Jacob went into primary. She was so amazing and showed so much love to us. We will definitely miss her messages and her unmeasureable love for us as she asked how we where every week after primary. Our condolences Cindy and Krissy. We love you.

  • Mitch and Joni Thompson

    Miss Lee, Mitch and I will miss you so much! You were so helpful for him his first year in high school! We are forever grateful! Our love and prayers go out to your family and loved ones. You will forever be in our hearts. Thanks ?

  • Easton & Cheyane Batt

    We only had the privilege of knowing Michelle for a brief time. She was exactly what was said; Happy, brightened face, and genuine love for those around her. We agree strongly that she is at peace and is in a wonderful place now. However, she will be missed dearly.

  • MaryAnn Christiansen Grover

    Michelle and I were good friends during our years at Tempe High. I have great memories of fun times at the Lee home with Michelle and her sisters, including Friday night dinners at their family’s favorite restaurant. Through the years Michelle continued to reach out with inspiring quotes and messages, always looking at the bright side of life and the hope of eternal families given through our Savior, Jesus Christ. Michelle will be greatly missed. My thoughts and prayers are with Cindy and Kristy until they are reunited once again with their beloved parents and sweet Michelle.

  • Papa and Donna Bevell

    I can hardly write anything that could do my beautiful Michelle justice. She was a wonderful person and as close as a sister. She helped us so much with our sweet little Ashtynn and in so many other times. I loved serving with her and it was a privilege to be considered special in her life. Love you Cindy and Krissy.Call if you need us

  • Jeanne Fulcher

    I was so sad to hear of Michele‘s passing. I remember all three of you being such a great help and part of our Elliott Groves ward. I enjoyed meeting you as you served in the temple. Michelle is a beautiful star that was taken so early but I cannot think, but she is called to a greater service for all of her wonderful talents and her loving heart. As we move forward to gather Israel on both sides of the veil, I am certain she will continue to play an important part as she continues to testify of Jesus Christ. Cindy and Krissy I pray the veil will be thin and you will feel of Michele‘s presence often.

  • How saddened I was to hear about Michelle. What a wonderful daughter, sister, and friend she was! She was also a wonderful babysitter to my 2 girls many years ago!
    My life has been blessed by knowing this sweet sweet family and my prayers will be with Krissy and Cindy. Michelle was a perfect example of a disciple of Jesus Christ and will definitely be missed here on earth. And what a beautiful example, and teacher, she will be to all those she meets and teaches on the other side of the veil. My love and prayers are with you Krissy and Cindy!

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