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Katherine Alyse Pindar

05/14/2000 - 03/12/2020

Katherine Alyse Pindar (19) passed away Thursday, March 12, 2020, in Houston, Texas while serving a proselyting mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  She was born in Allen, Texas on May 14, 2000 and moved to Mesa, Arizona when she was 4 years old.

Katherine was active in band, playing the saxophone and was involved in track and on swim teams before graduating from Dobson High School in 2018.  She attended Eastern Arizona College in Thatcher, Arizona for one year prior to her missionary service.  Katherine enjoyed music, hiking, dogs, and planning her next adventure.

Katherine was excited to serve a mission for the church and was so happy to go to her home state when she was assigned to serve in the Houston Texas East Mission beginning August 2019.   She LOVED being a missionary, speaking Spanish and being in Texas.

She is survived by her parents, John & Sara Pindar, siblings Jonathon, Amy and Asher.  Her grandmother Edna Christensen, an uncle, Mel (Debby) Christensen, and four aunts, Jeanne (Nickoli) Eilertsen, Lisa (Jason) Nicoll, Emily (Russell) Matheny and Suzanne Pindar.  She is preceded in death by three grandparents, Albert Christensen, Wellington and Nancy Pindar, her uncle, Wayne (Margie) Christensen, and her aunt, Paula Christensen.

She will be buried in the Mesa City Cemetery.  www.bunkerfuneral.com


  • Hermosa su hija siento mucho su perdida el señor se llevó de la mano a una misionera extraordinaria mi paz os dejo mi paz OS doy dijo el salvador espero la encuentran de todo corazón los tenemos en nuestras oraciones un abrazo

  • Jeanette Zimmerman

    I am so sorry you have to experience this loss, as I too have been through the loss of a child that was serving on a mission. We are members of a club that you hope will not grow, but seems to anyway from time to time. We are here for you if at any time you want to talk or cry together. She is a darling gal, maybe if she is able to meet my son in heaven, they can share their mission stories and experiences. May you be comforted at this difficult time.

  • I can only imagine the pain. I am so sorry. I just want you to know that we love you and wish we could help in some way.
    I am a published LDS artist and currently on a self appointed mission painting portraits of LDS missionaries who passed away while serving. If you would like that, I would love to offer you a free painted life size portrait of your beautiful daughter. I have seen portraits help bring healing to families. Sincerely, JR Johansen

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