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Jordan Hope Nicholas-Yeh

11/29/2019 - 11/30/2019

Jordan Hope Nicholas-Yeh


After an uneventful pregnancy, Jordan was born quickly on 11/29/19 at 0115.  She weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces.  Soon after delivery, it was discovered that Jordan had a serious heart defect.  After fighting for 29 hours, she died peacefully in her mothers arms.  Although her life was short, she lived up to the meaning of her Chinese name– ‘good news.’  We are left with a lifetime of love and memories of our beautiful daughter.  We eagerly look forward to when we will welcome her back here on earth with a perfect heart.  She is survived by her parents Chun-yen (Jem) and Jennifer, sisters Tabitha and Olive, grandparents Jeff and Cindy Nicholas of Gilbert, Arizona, and Chuan-ching Yeh and Hui-Chen Hsu of Taipei.

A memorial service is planned for Saturday December 7 at 2 PM at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

3441 N San Marcos Pl

Chandler AZ  85225

葉佳音 Yeh Jia Yin
父母:葉俊彥 倪珍妮
姐妹: 葉佳弦 葉佳明
祖父母:葉川慶 許惠真
外祖父母:Jeff  Cindy


  • Kathleen Coniam

    My dear friends Jen and Jem, my heart aches for you and the girls. My thoughts and prayers are with you. MY Gods love and blessings guide you in your grief. Love you, Kathi

  • You are two of my most loving, sweet, humble, god fearing, loyal and amazi gly corageous friends. You are in my prayers daily. I love you and your family and will always be your friend and sister that is always here for you.

  • Jen and Jem, my heart is breaking for you! Thinking of you and praying for you!

  • Richard and Betty Cardona

    Revelation 21:3,4 …he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more…
    May your pain be brief and this memories be a thing of the past. May Our God Jehovah give you comfort in his loving arms. We love you!

  • Jem Jen and the girls all of you are in my thoughts and prayers.Jehovah will give you the comfort you need in this great time of loss.Please know you are not alone. All of us are grieving the loss of our dear sweet Jordon. Sending your family love and hugs.

  • Maritza Gutíerrez

    My heart breaks for your loss but I can’t wait to meet her in Paradise? We love you!

  • Jacquelynn Allen

    I love you guys. No words can take this pain away but I will be waiting to meet her in paradise! Such a beautiful baby!!!!!!

  • Mike Cindy Tutko

    We love your beautiful family. You add so much joy to our congregation. Our hearts are with you at this very difficult time.

  • Keith and susan manherz

    Jem, Jen, and Girls, it’s so hard to find words to say in sympathy of what your feeling, and everyone who knows And Loves you!!! ❤️❤️?? we are ssssoooooo very sorry! And as mentioned we are looking forward to meeting and seeing her in Paradise, We Love you Guys ???❤️❤️??

  • Jennifer and Jem I am so sorry for your loss. I am so sad that this happen to you and your family. It breaks my heart. My prayers and thoughts are with you.

  • So sorry for your loss, you held her for just a little, much more hugs and kisses in the new system.. You are in my prayers, may Jehovah watch over your family

  • Jem, Jen, Tabitha and Olive,
    My thoughts and prayers are with all of you at this very difficult time. I can’t imagine what you all must be going through.
    May the comfort that Jehovah provides get you through until you can see your beautiful baby girl again in the new system.
    Love Always,

  • So sorry to hear your sad news, you held her for just a little while but will have forever to make up for it. Sending love and prayers to your family

  • I was sorry to hear about your lost. I will keep you and family in my prayers.

  • Dear Jen and Jem I am so sorry for your loss. I cant imagine. She seems so perfect seeing her in your arms. I’m sure your arms ache for her. I will say special prayers and ask Bob to watch over her for you. I have to work sat but I will be there in spirit.

  • Marie and Steve Maxey

    I cant find the words to express the heartbreak I feel for you all. Jordan is as beautiful as her sisters. It’s such a joy to have your family in our congregation. We love you all very much. So much to look forward to in the future but so hard to wait. May Jehovah bless you and comfort you all while we wait.

  • Jen, Jem, and girls, we are so sorry for your loss of sweet baby Jordan. There are no words to take away your pain, but we hope you find some peace knowing that you are all loved and being prayed for. May Jordan rest in peace in God’s loving arms. Miss you all! ?

  • 사랑하는 葉弟兄和姐妹。
    가슴이 아프다는 말외에는 표현할 수가 없군요.
    가음이가 부활하여 함께 하기 만을 기도합니다.

  • May love and peace be with you, Jem and the girls. Jordan is a beautiful little soul that will be with you always.

  • So sorry for your loss, Jen & Jem. This is heartbreaking. How we all look forward to seeing Jordan in the future! Love you all!

  • 想與葉弟兄和姐妹一起分享你們的悲哀。

  • Dear Jen, Jem, and girls,

    We are so sorry for your loss and you are in our thoughts and prayers. I can’t wait to meet your daughter in the future and I know that Jehovah will help you during this difficult time. We love you guys so much!

    Stacey, Lance, and Eva

  • Maurizio Rebecchi - Taipei

    My family and I are close to You … I send you my biggest hug. Maurizio and Family

  • Lois n Chris Fedele

    Our hearts are broken so sorry for ur loss…we look forward to meeting your precious daughter when Jehovah brings her bac to u … until then we know Jehovah will comfort u with his ❤️ love

  • She is a beautiful baby I hope to be standing with you guys when she is resurrected in Paradise. Love to both of you & the girls❤️

  • Sherrine and Charles Sanders

    We are so very sorry. Jehovah promises we will see our loved ones again. You and the family have our prayers and deepest sympathy.

  • Sherrine and Charles Sanders

    We are so very sorry for your loss. Jehovah promises we will see our loved ones again. You and the family have our deepest sympathy and prayers.

  • Gretchen Gorospe

    Awww so sorry for this lost of your precious one Sis!!?
    May Jehovah comfort you and the family for the grieving. We will see him/her in paradise!❤️

  • Gretchen Gorospe

    Awww so sorry for this loss of your precious one Sis!!?
    May Jehovah comfort you and the family for the grieving. We will see him/her in paradise!❤️

  • RoxAnne from Taichung, Taiwan

    You are in my prayers! ?May the love and care of our worldwide family feel like an enormous hug around you and your family.? We will be happy to meet this little Jordan Hope soon!♥️

  • Barbara Rodriguez

    Our dear sister Jennifer and Jen how my heart hurts for u in this hard time u both are going through.I know Jehovah will give u the strength u need Jehovah is grand inPsalms 29:11 shows he will. And we will see when the day we won’t go through these things like Revelation 21:3,4 say he will wipe every tear and death will be no more!!! What a wonderful time to look forward to love u both!!! Your sister Barbie Rodriguez I will keep u in my prayers!! How I’am truly sorry .love u❤️❤️❤️?

  • Barbara Rodriguez

    Our dear sister Jennifer and Jen how my heart hurts for u in this hard time u both are going through.I know Jehovah will give u the strength u need inPsalms 29:11 shows he will. And we will see when the day we won’t go through these things like Revelation 21:3,4 say he will wipe every tear and death will be no more!!! What a wonderful time to look forward to love u both!!! Your sister Barbie Rodriguez I will keep u in my prayers!! How I’am truly sorry .love u❤️❤️❤️?

  • Al and Becky Glover

    Jem and Jennifer and families,
    We have Jehovah’s promise that He will soon replace this very painful time with the most joyful time of all. He will return our loved ones to us and you will soon have Jordan back with her new, perfect little heart. We, along with you, can hardly wait. Please know that we love you all very much.

  • Hurley & Evelyn Terrell

    We join your family in looking forward to the Resurrection gathering! Deep-Deep Condolences & MUCH,MUCH LOVE! the Terrell’s

  • Sophie and Tucker Neely

    Look at all that hair! What a beautiful baby girl. Your family is constantly in our prayers. We can’t wait to meet her and for your family to be reunited.

  • Clancy Montgomery

    I was heartbroken when I heard the news! Take peace in knowing one day you will all be reunited. You’ve been in my prayers and I will continue to pray❤️

  • Your precious girl is safe in Jehovah’s memory. He will help you to get through this heartache.
    We can’t wait to meet her.
    Much love from both of us, and our family.

  • Lloyd and Kelly Fitzgerald

    Our hearts are full of sadness from the loss of your dear daughter. You both are wonderful parents and we have every confidence that Jehovah will resurrect that precious life and your family will be united again. Much Love to all the family.

  • Jerry and Cheryl Cathey

    ❤️Beautiful baby girl ❤️ beautiful family ❤️ we will constantly keep you in our prayers … that Jehovah will you give you the peace and comfort he promises …. we all are family and are here to give you the love and support.. what a blessing Jehovah gave you and to hold her in your arms and love her and that love is forever ❤️ Bro. And Sis. Cathey Gilbert West Congregation

  • Paul and Linda Eckert

    We are so very sorry for the loss of baby Jordan. She was a beautiful little baby and you will welcome her back when there is no more sickness and death! You both are love by so many. I shed tears today for you and your family. I don’t know you only through your mother who is my cousin. Love and prayers are coming your way, sincerely Linda and Paul Eckert.

  • McClung Martha ,Tommy

    Cindy,Jeff and Jenifer we are so sad for your family and your great loss The hope that Jehovah gives us is so sacred especially at times like this.He will comfort all of you until you can hold her in your arms again real soon Lots of Love and hugs to all of you Martha and Tommy

  • Dear Jennifer and all the family. l am so sorry. there is no worse loss than losing your child and grandchild. Those whom we have lost in death are in the safest situation imaginable,perfectly preserved within the limitless memory of our loving God Jehovah. I know he will comfort and support you untill we welcome back all we have lost. The pain never goes away but Jehovah helps you bear it until than.
    . Our prayers are with you.

  • paul and virginia harcourt

    We are sending our condolences to the family

  • Anna and Phillip (Australia)

    We are so saddened to hear of your loss. Jehovah will help you cope with this sad time in your lives. We look forward with you towards the resurrection.

  • I’m sorry to hear about your loss. Sending my condolences, and your family is in my prayers.

  • My heart goes out to you and your family ❤️❤️

  • Denise Adetokunbo

    Jennifer, Jem, Cindy, Jeff and family words cannot begin to express how sorry I am for your loss. May Jehovah give you comfort in this very difficult time. You are in my prayers.

  • The Benvegna’s

    We are so very heartbroken for your loss. Jennifer and Jem, what a beautiful baby girl, Jordan she has the best life ahead and a loving Heavenly Father to remember her every detail. He will return her to your arms again safely to love and cherish. Until Paradise, We all hold on to this hope with you to return your daughter, sister, grand daughter to you again. May Jehovah bring you all peace and comfort, we pray for you all.
    Love, The Benvegna’s

  • Jennifer I’m truly sorry for you and your husband’s loss. Terry and I lost 2 but they were miscarriages not full term our love is with you
    Joe Wilson

  • Anna and Phillip from Australia

    We are so sorry to hear about your loss of Jordan. She is now in Jehovah’s memory and you can look forward to seeing her again in the paradise. Jen, Jem, Olive, Tabitha, Cindy and Jeff you are all in our thoughts.

  • Robert and Bernadine Anaya

    Jem and Jennifer, we are so sorry for your loss. We, too, know how it feels to loss a child. To Jeff and Cindy our thought and prayers are with you and your family. Bernadine & Robert

  • Harrison and Snolia Maseko

    Jem and Jennifer: Our hearts ache with you. We’ll keep mentioning you to Jehovah, our heavenly Father and compassionate God of all comfort for him to comfort and soothe your hearts at this very hard time.
    Jeff and Cindy: you are in our mind and prayers too. We beg Jehovah to give you comfort and peace of mind as you remain at the side of the Yeh family. We love you all very much. Your friends, Harrison & Snolia, Malawi.

  • Dear Jen, Jem and family. I am deeply sorry for your loss. You are so loved by us all and words can’t describe the pain of this loss. We have lost a precious gem. May Jehovah be with all of you and give you comfort in our hope. Can’t wait to meet Jordan in Paradise with all of you embracing her as she comes back. You’re in my prayers. Love you very much.

  • Mike & Pat Washington

    We were so very sorry to hear of your loss of baby Jordan. May Jehovah be of comfort to you and your family during this very difficult time. Mike & Pat Washington. Gilbert West congregation.

  • Aaron, Melissa, Aubrey and Gretchen

    Jem, Jennifer and family, our condolences and heartfelt love go out to you. We are so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful little girl. We know that Jehovah will give her back to you in the near future and what blessings await her to grow up in the arms of such loving and God fearing parents and siblings. May the peace of Jehovah be with you and may you always know your family is a treasure to our worldwide brotherhood.

  • I’m so sorry Jen! So heartbreaking to lose a child. I can’t even imagine what that feels like. Your faith and love is so strong I know your family will be reunited again. Much love friend!

  • Cindy DeBoer & Family

    We are so sorry to hear this heart-breaking news. We cannot wait to meet your sweet baby girl in the Paradise. Much love to the whole family!

  • Shingo and Janelle Yamasaki

    Our dearest Jen and Gem,

    Our hearts truly hurt when we heard of precious Jordan’s situation. We know there are no words to sooth your heart. But, please rest assure that we are praying for you and the girls. We think of you daily and cry with you. We know soon you will be with Jordan again but in a prefect situation. Until we are all in that situation, may Jehovah support you and help you be strong. We love you all very much.

    Shingo and Janelle.

  • She is so beautiful! I look forward to meeting and loving on her in the near future when Jehovah makes all things new. In the meantime, may He comfort your crushed and broken hearts. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Love Beth Rands and family

  • Jen,Jem & Family
    We are so sorry for your temporary loss because we know very soon at hand,we will be seeing her again.
    Hang in there and always remember that we love you!❤️❤️

  • Terralyn Presswood

    Thank you for sharing such a precious moment with us. So…so precious ?

  • Jem, Jennifer and family…my heart ached when I heard the sad news that you had lost your beautiful little baby, Jordan. Only Jehovah knows your grief and pain during this difficult time but we can find comfort in his promise that “your dead one will live again” when we welcome back our loved ones to a beautiful Paradise and death gone forever. Will keep you in my prayers that Jehovah will give you the strength to remain strong in the days ahead. Love you.

  • Frank and Zeny Plesko

    Dear Jennifer and Jem
    We are very very sorry to hear your loss of baby Jordan. We sends our deepest sympathy and condolences to you and your family. May Jehovah strengthen you in this tragic unforeseen circumstances. Love Frank and zeny

  • Bernard and Serenity Simpson

    Dear Jem and Jennifer. Please know that our prayers have mentioned you daily. May Jehovah comfort you during this really difficult time. Remember John 5:28&29.

  • Phillip and Krista Smith

    Jen and Jem,
    We hope we are with you when Jordan is back in your arms and you are looking into her sparkling little eyes. We were privileged to share some precious time with her in life and now we are waiting to take up where we left off and watch her grow up in Perfect Health. You, Jem and the kids are so loved!

  • Still trying to grasp all that has happened over the past days and thinking about today being your due date for Jordan. She was beautiful and is greatly missed. Only Jehovah can erase the pain. We so look forward to the resurrection and your family being reunited. We love you. Mom and Dad

  • Ray and Connie Amavisca

    Hello Jem, Jennifer and family,
    We were so saddened to hear about your loss, we can only imagine what you are going through. As the days go by we will continue to pray that Jehovah (the God of comfort) eases your pain. We so look forward to meeting your beautiful Jordan Hope Nicholas-Yeh in the near future. ? Connie & Ray

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