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Holly Alivia Heap

05/03/2013 - 04/14/2017
Service Date: 04/22/2017
Service Time: 11:00 AM
Service Location: Mesa Arizona Red Mountain Institute of Religion, 7126 E. McKellips Road, Mesa, Arizona

Holly Alivia Heap, 3, passed away Friday, April 14, 2017.

A visitation will be held Friday, April 21, 2017, from 6-8 PM, at the LDS Red Mountain Institute of Religion, 7126 E. McKellips Road, Mesa, Arizona. Funeral services will be Saturday, April 22, 2017, at 11 AM, at the same location. 


  • I am so very sorry for your huge loss. This is nobody’s fault. She was an angel of God and he needed her to protect all of u. Todd please know we are all holding you up
    She knew you loved her. Please stay strong and forgive yourself as any of us could be in this situation. A neighbour of mine had the same thing happen to her only child when she tried to give him room to play hockey. God bless all of you.

  • Glen & Kim Larson

    Our hearts ache for your sweet family…you’re all in our thoughts and prayers. Much love to each of you.

  • With love, Randy and Donna Prinz

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your whole family.

  • Jo-Anne Bondelli

    Words, however kind, can’t mend your heartache, but those who care for you share your grief and wish you comfort and peace of mind. My condolences.

  • Richard & Marcy Gooch

    This is such a tragedy. Our whole family feels your pain. The Lord must have needed another angel to help Him bless us. We love your family and wish them peace and comfort at this difficult time.
    We lost a grandson several years ago under similar circumstances. We have an idea what you are all going through. Holly is in the arms of our Savior now and she will see you again. God Bless you with what you need to get through this sad time.

  • Scott and Suzy Perkinson

    Our thoughts and prayers are with your family at his difficult time. We know our Heavenly Fathers spirit will carry you through this time.

  • Vandenbosch Family

    You are in our prayers.

  • Brett bardwell

    May God bless and comfort you. He will carry you through. You will see her again.

  • Gunlock Family

    Our thoughts and prayers are with this great family during this difficult time.

  • Todd and Kathryn Gooch family

    Our hearts shuddered and sank when we heard. Despite the deep sorrow we feel when our loved ones depart suddenly there is hope of family reunion in heaven. Your Angel daughter awaits you but she is not alone for those gone before hold her close. Our angel son may befriend her there. Take courage your strength is sufficient to endure this. Miss her but don’t blame. Continue to love each other and trust in God. Our thoughts are with you.

  • Bill & Sallee Woods

    Todd & Ashley, We love you and your family so much! You are such amazing parents and we extremely enjoyed having your fun and so well mannered son Cade in our primary class and we extremely enjoyed getting to sit behind your sweet little Holly and watching her be so excited in sharing time. Thank you for those moments! Just continue holding your family and each other close and our Father in Heaven Will always be with you.

  • Traffas Family

    Our Las Sendas family is praying for you all. Daily.

  • David and Lisa Farrelly

    Todd and Ashley,
    Our family’s prayers are with your family. Hopefully Holly will meet our daughter Heather in the spirit world and become friends. Families are forever!
    Love the Farrellys

  • God, please shower this entire family with comfort..

  • I don’t know you but I’m hoping some day you will find some peace. There is never a simple answer for everything that happens in life but I pray that in time you will find peace and continue to be a valuable member of society who has changed so may lives for the better.

  • Catherine, Octavio, Lars and Tess

    There are no words. Just empty utterences. Know that there is an entire world embracing all of you!

  • The Strickbine family

    Mr. Heap, I know that this is a lot right now and I just wanted to tell you that God has a plan for all of us. Why ever this happened, this was his plan. I know it doesn’t seem like it at this time of grief, but something good will come out of this. We will keep your family in our prayers and hope for the best. My condolences.

  • In this sorrowful time,i would like to extend to you my heartful condolences. May our lord comfort you and your loved ones.

  • So very very sorry to read of the tragic accident and loss of your precious little Holly.
    There’s such a sense of helplessness when someone we love dies, especially a child. I’d like to share some scriptural thoughts that really help me. Prayer is so valuable at this time but it’s not that prayer simply makes us feel better. 2 Cor.4:7 says that God can give us, “… power beyond what is normal “, to go from one day to the next. This does not mean that we no longer cry or that we forget, but it means we recover. The reason we recover is because of our hope. Jesus Christ talked about our hope in John 5:28, “… all those in the memorial tomb will hear his voice and come out “. Jesus was referring to the resurrection, this is our amazing hope! 2 Cor.1:3 describes our Creator as, “… the God of all comfort “. One way that God comforts us is by moving people who care about us to give us words of encouragement that we need to hear. May the God of comfort (Ps.83:18) be your comfort now during this time of sorrow. Please see jw.org for more Bible-based comfort.

  • Brother G.H.

    Dear Brother & Sister Heap,

    I can’t even imagine the pain you have gone through. Losing a child is hard. I know from personal experience. Our son took his life with a pistol I gave him for his birthday. i had to break down his bedroom door to get into him. The night before it happened, I knew something was wrong. He didn’t seem himself, yet I passed it off as just another “mood swing.” How I wished I would have talked to him.

    People will say a lot of silly things, but that is just because they don’t know what to say. I do not believe your daughter’s death was part of God’s plan. It was an accident, pure and simple. God allows accidents to happen and He has a plan for our happiness. Some will say, don’t feel guilty, don’t beat yourself up, don’t be angry; but those feelings come naturally and are a part of the grieving process. It’s how you respond to those feelings that will matter. Are you going to be better people as a result of this tragedy or are you not. Please don’t allow your feelings to negatively impact your lives.

    I wish you the best in your journey forward. There will be many difficult days, yet the sun will still shine. In time, the terrible heartache and pain will diminish, but probably never completely go away. If there is one thing you can do, it is to be better people than you were before the accident. Our family’s love for one another has increased and our understanding of others burdens and trials has grown. We are more kind, more gentle and more loving. I even feel guilt saying that, as it is somewhat sad that a death transpired before we realized how blessed we are and how much we can help others. But, we are better people, better parents and better siblings than we were before.

    God bless.

  • I am so very sorry. So very very very very very sorry….. Sorry.

  • Thoughts and prayers to Todd and his family!

  • So sorry for your loss. My condolences to the whole Heap family.

  • God Bless your family and your sweet Holly. I am so sorry for the pain you are enduring. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  • May God pour out his choicest blessings upon you and your family at this difficult time. Stay strong in the Gospel. You will have her for eternity and see her in the Celestial Kingdom. Go to the temple often. She will be there in spirit.

  • Sorry to hear of the loss

  • Be comforted in knowing that people are praying for you.

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