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David Gammon Eagleburger

08/12/1942 - 12/27/2018
Service Date: 01/12/2019
Service Time: 2:00 PM
Service Location: Windemere Hotel & Conference Center, 5750 E. Main St., Mesa, Arizona

“Dave died.  Hotrods and tools for sale.”  Those two sentences are what Dave said he always wanted for his obituary notice.  More needs to be said, though.

David Gammon Eagleburger died of prostate cancer that could not be cured via early detection, medication, or chemotherapy.

Dave was born during World War II on the Quantico, Virginia Marine Corps Base.  At the war’s end, he moved with one of his younger brothers and his parents, Helen and Gerald “Dutch” Eagleburger to Mesa, Arizona.  He was a Mesa resident from that day until he died.

He is survived by his wife of 52 years, Ann.  He is also survived by his eldest son, Matthew and his wife, Megan and their two sons, Jack and Craig, his youngest son, Casey and his wife, Nicolle and their two sons Buck and Mack.  He is also survived by his brother Greg and his wife, Gail and their daughters Sarah (Colin) Danna and son Daniel.  He is also survived by his other brother Mark and his wife, Patty and their daughters Amy and Kelsey.

Dave grew up in Mesa from kindergarten to graduation from Mesa High School (the only high school in Mesa at the time).  He earned his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from Northern Arizona University.  He began teaching English and history and coaching football, wrestling and Track at Carson Junior High School in 1964.  He continued to work for the Mesa Public School District No. 4 for over 40 years as a school principal, the district athletic director, an assistant superintendent for Senior and Junior High Schools, and as the associate superintendent.

Dave respected most.  Feared none.  He was as comfortable riding cross country to biker rallies as he was presenting to corporate and educational boards.  He was as comfortable driving  hotrods to car meets as he was speaking to gatherings of thousands about achievement.  He was as comfortable camping with his once rowdy friends as he was playing a banjo solo with the Mesa Symphony Orchestra.  He measured twice and cut once-well, most of the time anyway.  He knew that there were more horses butts than horses in this world.  He knew that what you want to do, you do and all else is simply talk.  He took care of business.

A Celebration of Life will be held in his honor on Saturday, January 12th from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at the Windemere Hotel & Conference Center, 5750 E. Main St., Mesa, Arizona 85205.  Doors open at 2:00 PM for food and drink.  Memories will begin and be shared at 3:00 PM. 

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Hospice of the Valley, 1510 E. Flower St., Bldg #2,  Phoenix, AZ 85014


  • Dear Matt and family,
    I am so very sorry for your loss. May the life your father lived, provide you comfort during this time of grief and sorrow. My condolences to all. Debbie

  • Matt and Family,
    So sorry to hear of your loss. I know what a difficult time this can be. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Dear Casey and family,
    I am sorry for your loss. MPS was lucky to have him as a leader. He will be missed. May he live on in memories shared by so many. Take care.

  • Dave was a great person and friend. He was so helpful to Dottie when when she ran into a problem. He was helpful to anyone who needed it. Dave will be missed by everyone who knew him. Rest In Peace our dear friend.

  • Patty,I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family. Much love

  • Dear Casey and Family,
    We are sending our deepest simpathies. Many thoughts and prayers for all of you during this
    time and days to come.
    Troy, Cyndi, Amber, and Angi Galvan

  • Ann

    I am so sorry for your loss. Our prayers of love and comfort go to you and your family.


  • Pauline Albrecht

    Matt and family,
    I am so sorry for your loss. What an interesting man your dad was (such a wonderful write up about him)! You referenced him many times when you spoke at Franklin, Matt, so it was clear there was a special bond. He will continues to live in and inspire you. Thinking of you, Pauline Albrecht

  • Ann and Family – My heart is broken with the news I just rec’d. He was one of the good ol boys and one of my favorite cousins. I have happy memories of him that I will cherish always. May you find the Peace that passes understanding! We will keep all of you in our hearts and prayers.

  • To Casey and all of the Eagleburger family – I am so sorry for your loss. Knowing Casey means I feel like I knew Dave a little. Your memory will live on & you will be remembered through all of the lives you have touched. Requiescat in Pace. ~ Susan

  • Betty brown Armour

    I am so sorry to learn of Dave’s passing and for your loss. You will be in our thoughts and prayers . I knew Dave Eagleburger as a free spirited employee of MPS and a generous and fun loving person. I remember at Christmas time he would go around to offices giving gifts to everyone. I also remember another time he brought his motorcycle to the district and had a photographer take pictures of any of us who wanted to sit on it. I still have my picture, somewhere. He had a bounce in his step that showed the energy he always had. I liked his country western style and cowboy boots. That is all I remember seeing him wear. May he Rest In Peace and enjoy his eternity even more than he enjoyed his earthly days a thousand fold.

  • Dave, Greg and Mark were friends since we were little kids swimming at Mesa Country Club. He will be missed by everyone that knew him, RIP old friend

  • Dear Matt and Family,
    I’m so sorry for the loss of your father. May your wonderful memories comfort you during your difficult time. my condolences. Alex

  • Eagleburger Clan –

    Big Dave! So many memories – camping trips, baseball games, basketball games, get it done attitude, drinking beer at Doolen’s, Harley Choppers and Charlie Hopper, hot rods, me saying about 100 million stupid things and him just glancing over his glasses.

    Water skiing, mowing our yard at 6 AM after a long night out, giving me grief about graduating college in 5 years, indoctrinating me into what “real” Country music is, and all of those sayings. The Optimists Creed, I was country before country was cool, Ann – the man doesn’t know the difference between shit and apple butter.

    Thank you for being a great part of my childhood and life. A lot of great advice and good times. You made my life better for being a part of it. My condolences to all of you. Anything that I can do, just let me know.

  • Dear Ann and family, I am very sorry for your loss. I had the privilege of working with Dave when he headed up the Community Ed department . He was honest, positive and always willing to do what was best for the situation at hand. One example of his generous nature is a day I will always cherish. My son was in the hospital in Flagstaff and I looked up and saw Dave carrying a large box filled with many “get well wishes” from Mesa Public school folks. We so appreciated him making time to bring a bit of “home” to us. I will always remember him with great fondness and respect. May God’s peace surround you as you move through this time. Thank you, Loren Cuppy

  • Elisa Hansen and family

    Casey and the entire Eagleberger family,
    My heartfelt condolences for the loss of a wonderful man. It was my pleasure to have met him at your home. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time.

    Elisa, Devon, Jake and Zachary Hansen

  • David was both a friend and mentor to me during my 15 years in M.P.S. He helped me correct my course when I headed in the wrong direction, but always with both sage advice and his great sense of humor. He was simply irreplaceable to so many of us. I am truly sorry for his loss to M.P.S. and the entire community.

  • Elisa, Devon, Jake, and Zachary Hansen

    Casey and the entire Eagleberger family,
    My heartfelt condolences for the loss of a wonderful man. It was my pleasure to have met him at your home. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time.

  • Karen and John Kane

    Matt and family. May you find strength in knowing the horns have blown for him in Heaven as they celebrate his arrival. The Lord has him busy now guarding his family on Earth and teaching all in his kingdom. God Bless and keep you all in comfort.

  • Elisa and Zachary Hansen

    Casey and the entire Eagleburger family,
    I’m so sorry for your loss. It was my pleasure to have met your father at your home. My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time.

  • Casey and family- I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I had the honor of knowing Dave briefly as he was the outgoing and I was the incoming Director of Community Education. In his words- “Let me me show you a few things before you take the reins. Time for me to head out to pasture.” In those few short days working alongside him in transition, I was taken by his wisdom, humor, and no nonsense style. As he drove me around Mesa for a meet and greet, he would point out the idiosyncrasies of MPS and share some of his institutional history. As we drove down Main Street he pointed to an old strip mall and in the corner was a a hole in the wall establishment. The sign over it read “Hambone.” He smirked and said, “steer clear of that place,” and then he chuckled. I think of him every time I drive by there. I knew he was irreplaceable and that I was not going to fill the Dave Eagleburger shoes. In my office files are longstanding memoirs of Dave’s witty memos, newsletters, and emails. I have referenced them over the years and they still make me smile. I know he was an influencer of many and pray you find peace in knowing he lived fully.

  • Pat and Dick Bray

    Ann, Our deepest sympathy as you remember Dave. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Pat and Dick

  • Dear Matt and family,
    My deepest condolences to you and your family. May wonderful memories
    of time spent with him help heal your heart. God bless him, you and your
    Bobbi Purcell

  • One of the nicest guys you could ever work with in Mesa Public Schools. To have an administrator pop into your room unannounced was not something most teachers looked forward to. Not Dave. You always knew he was there to offer help and support if necessary. He helped us start the AIA Soccer program in Mesa and at Mesa High. My condolences to his family. What a great man.

  • Dearest Eagleburger Family,

    On behalf of Mesa Public Schools we express our deepest sympathies to you and also celebrate all the children’s lives that were positively impacted because of Mr. Eagleburger’s service as an educator for Mesa Public Schools.

    Mr. Casey Eagleburger,

    You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    With kindest regards,
    Ember Conley

  • Dear Ann, Matt, and Casey, and the rest of the Eagleburger Crew,
    It was an honor and an education working with David. He was a teacher first, last, and always, and I learned a lot from him. He took the toughest assignments—-and made them look easy. I used to tell him I never feared sending parents to him, because he could tell someone to go to hell and do it so well that they looked forward to the trip. He blessed the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and their families. Mesa was lucky to have such a hard-working, shining star in its midst. Thanks to all of you for sharing him with all of us. Until we meet again, Dave, I will try to remember to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. Hugs to all the Eagleburgers, Claudia

  • This a huge loss to his family and to the community – he will be missed.

  • Sharon Cuculic-Hain

    Dave was one of the administrators with Mesa Public schools that I had so much respect for. He was an eloquent speaker and a genuinely caring, get it done kind of person. My deepest sympathies for his family.

  • Sharon Cuculic-Hain

    Dave was one of my most-respected administrators. His wife Ann was always so friendly as well. Dave was an eloquent speaker and such a get-it-done guy. He will be sorely missed. My condolences to his family.

  • One of a kind! A true loss for the MPS community. Rest In Peace, Dave. You will be missed.

  • Just take care of business and you’ll be fine”…… advice to a new principal. thanks Dave for your advice and guidance.

  • Dave was the epitome of an unselfish man! Although I retired in the 90s, Dave is the leader I remember well. He caught a lot of us in the act of doing things right, and built us up from there. RIP, Dave.

  • Chris and Annette Whitehead

    Condolences to the family from both of us. Dave will be remembered for his honesty, support for teachers and for his enjoyment of surprise meetings such as on his motorbike rides to Canyon Lake where he would stop and talk to his teacher colleagues. MHSRIP.

  • Casey and family,
    Thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Your dad was such an amazing man and he leaves a beautiful legacy of wonderful memories and great speeches of pure straight honesty and tons of laughter. This is sad news and praying for your peace and strength to make it through this. Peace and hugs to you and family.
    Selina Gonzalez-Graves

  • During my 27 years at MPS, I didn’t know Dave well, but he always had a smile and remembered my name. We always felt better after a visit with Dave. My sympathy goes out to the Eagleburger family.

  • Dear Casey and family,
    May the loving memories of your father comfort you now and always. We are thinking of you and we are very sorry for your loss.
    Margaret and family

  • Ken and Bonnie Reeder

    We are devastated for your loss Ann, Matt, Casey. We have so enjoyed having Dave in our lives. Optimistic, fun-loving, loved his many quotes. In a conversation with him once, I said well you have to keep an open mind. Dave: Keep it open too much and your brains will fall out. He will be sadly missed.

  • The Fitzsimmons Family

    Matt, Mark and I are so very sorry for your tremendous loss…we are thinking of you during this most difficult time. May the love of your family and friends comfort you all. Our best…Pam, Mark, Nina and David

  • My deepest condolences to all the family! David was a great person!

  • Matt and Mel Kelley

    Dear Casey and Eagleburger family,

    Sending you our thoughts and prayers to find comfort and peace during this time and beyond.

    Matt and Mel Kelley

  • Matthias amd Janeille Cole

    Casey and family,
    So sorry for the passing of your father. From knowing you it is clear he was an amazing man. You and your family are in out prayers.

  • Rosemary Barcellona

    Deepest condolences on your father’s passing. May loving memories comfort you and your family.

  • Dear Ann and family,

    We remember you and David lovingly. He was an inspiration to everyone who knew him. He represented the best days of Mesa Public Schools in our opinion. He will remain in our hearts and mind with the most positive thoughts. We are sincerely sorry for your loss. God bless you all! Roberta and Terry

  • To Casey and family I’m so sorry for your loss I enjoyed knowing your dad very much. Take care of yourselves

  • Dear Casey and family,
    May you find comfort in all the great memories you have of your dad. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.

  • Dear Ann and Family,
    My heart is sad for you, and my thoughts and prayers are with your family. One of the things that impressed me in my limited interactions with Dave is that he was the master at making everyone in MPS feel valued. He was like no other! He has been missed by MPS for many years, and will be missed by his friends and family forever.

  • To Casey and the Eagleburger family.
    . My heart goes out to you… And prayers also. I worked with Dave in many different settings over the last 30+ years. His intelligence, kindness, and wit will be sorely missed. He was one of a kind. His impact will be felt by many individuals for years to come. I’ll miss him.

  • Dear Matt and family,

    I am so sorry to hear of your loss. So many of your anecdotes are sprinkled with memories of your Dad. It sounds like he was a wonderful leader, teacher, husband and dad. Wishing you strength and peace during this difficult time. God bless your family. Karen Wester

  • Casey and family,
    I am deeply sorry for your loss. It is always difficult to find the most comforting words in a time like this but I want you and your family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sara Rhoades

  • Dear Casey and family,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I met your dad when I was a COE student in high school for MPS. I will always remember his fish ties, sense of humor, how he always said hello and asked me how I was doing in school every time he saw me. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  • Christine Biederman

    Dear Casey and family,
    So very sorry to hear about your dad. Your family will be in our prayers. Condolences to your family.

  • I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I can remember an interesting and entertaining presentation you gave at Franklin inspired by your Dad. Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. -Janie

  • During the 50’s, I proudly considered myself part of the Robson Street Gang, even though I lived on McDonald St. The Robinson’s and the Eagleburgers were the anchors of this domain and we pretty much operated out of their homes. Dave and Greg, Ralph and Sam, Jim Zaharis, John Blackburn and so many others. Flag football at Green….. Park against all comers. Then to Mesa high school and becoming Jackrabbits for life. Then we all went our ways

  • Us lawyers are long winded.Dave was a great childhood friend and had a fabulous career. He was admired from near and afar, and won’t be forgotten. Please accept our best wishes and heartfelt sympathies. Wayne

  • Matt, Megan, Jack and Craig,
    My deepest sympathy to you and the rest of your family. Reading your Dad’s story,, he helped and guided others and enjoyed life. The quotes and stories from your Dad that you often share with us at Franklin show what a wise man he was and what a role model he was for you and for many. May the memories you have bring you comfort and peace.


  • Dear Eagleburger Family
    I am very sad to hear of Dave’s passing. He was a very wonderful man. I took a class from him and enjoyed it very much. He made learning fun. I was classified employee and He always made us feel very appreciated. He will be very missed! I am sorry for your loss. He was taken too early. Prayers for your Family.

  • Coach Eagleburger, May you Rest In Peace. You were such an influence in my up bringing when you were at Carson Jr High. You were a role model that lasted to this day. I am sure that you had the same effect on others, especially my brother and sister. Thank you for being part of my life.

  • Linda Kristoff Wahl

    So sorry for the loss. David Eagleburger had such an impact on MPS where I went to school. I did a placement with his mother Helen in first grade at Emerson Elementary. She talked about all three of her sons often and was very proud of them. She taught me how to be loving to my students something I carried with me my whole career. It is no surprise David Eagleburger was dedicated to the schools and his community.

  • I worked for MPS for 20 years. It was a pleasure to see Mr. Eagleburger come thru the door with his big smile. He always greeted everyone, no matter what thier position!! May you find peace and comfort at this time.

  • Condolences to all. What a great life he led. We all should be proud to have been a part of it.

  • I worked at Mesa Schools for 27 yrs. and still sub in the libraries. Dave often attended meetings where I was there taking the minutes in shorthand. He used to ask me – how do you know what those scribbles mean? I loved his sense of humor and hearing him play the guitar. My condolences to the Eagleburger family.

  • My condolences to Dave’s wife and extended family. Dave helped me in my first principalship almost 30 years ago and was a wise, humorous and thoughtful leader who I have tried to emulate since I met him. Always wrote a note after visiting campus, citing just about every person he met, saw or heard about, and never missed an opportunity to put a smile on his and your face. Truly an unique educator who kept it simple and honest. A true loss to the community and his friend. God bless.

  • Condolences to Dave’s Family! Was a Awesome man! Very supportive of all the coaches in the district. My late husband, “Ted A. Fowler”, thought very highly of him! He will surely be missed! RIP
    Kay Fowler-Nice

  • Dave Eagleburger was a no nonsense man of integrity, whose word was his bond. I ,as a member of the community, had the pleasure working with him to address, and in most cases, resolve, issues affecting MPS students. His forthright and upbeat attitude and sense of humor will be missed. My thoughts and prayers are with his loved ones.

  • Sending love and prayers to the Eagleburger family. David was a blessing to Mesa Public Schools. His character, leadership and humor will live on through his family and the many lives he touched.

  • My sincere condolences to his beloved family and friends.
    In my first several years working at MPS as a P.E. Teacher I was fortunate to have received an award from the district. His note if congratulations was first in my box and was done with such heartfelt remarks I decided to give him a call to thank him. ( one of the thousands that worked in the district). He was gracious, continued to bring up teaching tidbits, stories, and was as “ real” as real gets.
    A man of exemplary work ethic, humor, was quick witted, and just plain smart. He was one of the main reasons I continued in the Mesa District.
    He will be missed more than he would ever realize.

  • So sorry for your loss.
    Met Dave at a district workshop and invited him to plant some seeds of inspiration with my 5th graders at Eisenhower–provided he show up on his bike. WOW, were they impressed! Thanks for sharing Dave with us.

  • I worked with, and for Dave on many occasions during my 39 years at MPS. He was always the guy who could and would cut thru the junk and bureaucracy that large establishments can have. He always made me feel like I was a great part of something bigger than myself!

  • So sad to hear of Dave’s passing. His spirit and enthusiasm rubbed off on everyone with whom he came in contact. He’ll be missed. Condolences to his family.

  • Amy & Scott Simonson

    To all of the Eagleburgers~ we are so sad about losing Dave. He always provided laughs when we were together with him and Ann. One thing I’ll always remember about Dave is when he put his beer bottle in his back pocket when he danced at Meg & Matt’s wedding. :o) We’d never seen that move before! I’m sure he’s up in Heaven tooling around on a motorcycle somewhere. You’re all in our thoughts and prayers.

  • Casey, Our deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. I had the pleasure of knowing your Dad, he was a great person, he will never be forgotten.
    Angie & Al Guerrero

  • Eagleburger Family,
    My condolences and prayers for your family. I worked for MPS for thirty wonderful years and felt so blessed to have known Dave. My desk was the first stop every time Dave visited Shepherd. I always loved his humor, honesty, and sincere answer when I had a question or concern. Mesa Scools was made a much better institution because of Dave Eagleburger and he will be missed immensely. I am so honored that my great-grandson has another fine Eagleburger as his principal at Smith Junior High. Casey, you have made your dad proud and carry on a spectacular tradition.

  • Dear Ann so sorry for your loss. Will pray fir your family during this hard time. In Mahnah love

  • I just saw him @ Buddy’s in April. Sorry to hear the news.

  • Shirley & Rex Dernovich

    Ann, Casey, Matt and families, so sorry for the grief you are experiencing at this time. We will keep all of you in our prayers. Ann what great memories of our boys growing up together. Attending school, playing sports, swimming and all the times together at ball games. Those are great memories of our time in Mesa. So glad the guys have continued their friendship over the years, keeps us connected. Blessings to you in your sorrow.

  • One of the founders of Zeta Omicron Sigma Chi at NAU. A legend. I came after Dave at NAU but I loved seeing him at the Sig Reunions in Flagstaff. Great story teller.

  • Mesa Schools just wasn’t the same after Dave retired. His exuberant, positive spirit was catching and appreciated. His visits to schools were met with joy instead of the anxiety. After his visit, within days a note would arrive stating all the positives he experienced at the school. I loved watching and hearing him play the banjo. He was a good man and we were all better by knowing him! Rest in peace, David.

  • Charles & Barb Etzen

    Our deepest sympathy to your entire family during this difficult time

  • Dear Matt and family,
    I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Your dad sounds like he was an amazing man. May his memory be eternal!

  • Casey and Family,
    Our prayers and greatest sympathy go out to you at this time of loss.
    The Rapier Family

  • Dear Matt, Meg, Jack, Craig & family,

    I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. Matt, it sounds like your dad was a wonderful person and pioneer in the education field. I remember you recently talking at school about some advice he had given. You are all in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. With deepest sympathy, Michele

  • Dave was a good administrator and a great car enthusiast. I remember him coming into our auto parts shop

  • Ann and family, I want to extend my love and deepest sympathy to you and the family and want you to know that I have many special memories of Dave and his friendship with Jess. Dave and Jess had so many fun time laughing about football stories of how he had to save Jess from getting in trouble after a call from another district’s AD who didn’t like the way Parker coached. Jess and I both loved and respected him for the outstanding educator he was. He had a very positive impact on MPS and the students that attended the district schools. Dave was a great man and a dear friend…. Hugs of love to you and your family.

  • I am so sorry to hear of Dave’s passing. He was one of the best bosses I ever had at MPS. HIis WIFFM philosophy always stayed with me. As well as his, “if you don’t ask, the answer is always no!” I learned a lot from him and always respected his knowledge, wisdom, and forward thinking. Thank you Dave, for ring a part of my professional life. You will he missed. May there be more like you to come. Education needs
    more people/leaders like you!!

  • Barbara Weinstein

    Matt and family– I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Your father sounds like an amazing man. I know your dad will continue to be an inspiration for you and your whole family. May your memories comfort you during this difficult time. Barbara

  • Matt and family-
    I am so sorry for your loss. May you lean on each other during this difficult time…

  • So sorry to hear of Dave’s passing. He was a good friend and always had a ready smile. Seeing him always made my day better. I was looking forward to seeing him at the next reunion, but I am sure we will meet again. God bless you all.

  • Damn! Hope he had his boots on!
    Motivating, sincere, caring, humorous, inspiring friend and leader who certainly touched and influenced my 49 year practice in education. Regrets I did not get to tell him this before he decided to leave us! – Hope to attend his life celebration on the 12th. — God bless you Ann and Family. -Dan

  • Marshall Trimble

    Dear Ann,
    I am so sorry to learn a few minutes ago of Dave’s passing. I have many fond memories including when he and I were young teachers with Mesa schools; when we were both struggling banjo pickers; and you two were newly weds. My how the years have passed so quickly. I will look forward to seeing you on the 12th.
    God Bless You

  • John and Marilyn Crandall

    As I real through the condolences above I thought of how many of them i could just add ditto to. Dave was a real asset to our schools and our community besides being a great friend and dental patient over the years. We offer our most sincere condolences along with a prayer for God’s gifts to each of you. John and Marilyn

  • John Fitzpatrick

    Dear Ann and Family,
    I send my condolences for your loss of your husband Dave,. Our entire family have you and your wonderful family in our thoughts.

  • Barbara Skinner

    I’m so sorry to hear about the passing of your father. By all accounts, he was a blessing to the entire Mesa community.
    With deepest sympathy,

  • Casey,
    I hope that all of these nice tributes bring you comfort during this difficult time. My condolences to you and the rest of your family. Your dad was respected and loved by so many people. As you know, he was my principal when I was in junior high at Carson. I remember feeling lucky to have such a cool principal who had that nice baby blue Ford pick-up. Much later I had the opportunity to work with you, and I got to know your dad better through you. There was no doubt that you had a lot of respect and love for him. I learned through our conversations that not only was he a great leader, he was also a great dad and grandpa. The way you live your life as an administrator, a father and friend must’ve made him so proud. It’s tough losing a parent. One of my favorite Dave Eagleburger quotes is “give time time.” I think it applies here. You will always miss him, but it will get easier with time. Hang in there. David

  • Dear Casey, Nicki, and Eagleburger Family,
    In my 37 years teaching for MPS, I will always remember your dad as a stand-out. I always thought of him as “the comic relief” of the MPS administration. Behind all of that gift of gab and quick wit was a man who could forever take command of a huge room full of people with his intelligence and wisdom. The many times I had the honor of hearing him speak publicly, I always felt engaged in his words and left smiling and up-lifted. He was truly a man who affected so many in a positive way, his life well- lived. Isn’t that what we all strive for?
    Casey, teaching under your leadership, I can’t tell you how many times you reminded me of him.
    May your grief be lessened by the surrounding of all those who, like you, knew him, respected him. and loved him. His legacy prevails.
    Pam Maupin
    Retired MPS Teacher

  • Eag was a great person. Always seemed to have the right advice/answer. Matter of fact, a great mentor & friend. Coach, my condolences to your family.

  • Ann, I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Although I never met David, I can see that he was a colorful and wonderful person. You (my wonderful and kind first grade teacher at Lehi Elementary School) and your family are in my thoughts.
    John Ishikawa

  • Marilyn and George Claypool

    Dear Ann and family
    Our thoughts are with you as you remember Dave today. Our sincere sympathy and condolences to each of you. George respected Dave as his coach and as a leader. Ann it has been lovely to know you as our neighbors.

  • I am so sad to hear of the world’s loss of Mr. David Eagleburger. He made a huge impression on me as a student at Carson (many years ago) and I will never forget him. He was positive but “no nonsense.” He was friendly and funny and made us each feel special. My 9th grade year, the cheer squad blew our picture up to poster size and presented it to him. He had it on his wall for years after. He always remembered my name. His personality was large and warm. This is my 32nd year teaching elementary students, unfortunately not for a district that was influenced by his sensibilities. He was an educator that I will always look up to and yet, I never had a class with him. Thank you for all the good you brought the world, Mr. Eagleburger. You will be missed and no one will fill your shoes.

  • To the Eagleburger family:
    My apologies on the tardiness of this message. I have been living out-of-state due to school and just happened upon Dave’s obituary. Truly sad news!
    I first met Dave in the summer of 1988. I was about to start my junior year at this new high school named Red Mountain. I had called his office in regards to an idea I’d had to possibly help solve a dress code brouhaha that had developed. Rather than thank me and blow me off, Dave asked if I could come meet with him the next morning. He liked my idea and asked me to please allow him to put me down as a speaker at the school board meeting that night. He and I became friends from that initial meeting and he kept in touch even when I was at ASU.
    Dave was a man of true class. He never held himself above others, always showed people respect, and was friendly to everyone (even those with whom he disagreed). He was a true statesman and a gentleman. He preferred simple solutions that made things easier.
    Dave, I pray your family finds solace during this year. I lost my father to pancreatic cancer 5 years ago and the first year is the hardest. I hope they remember you for the cherry smile and the bubbly personality you displayed everyday. I know I will always remember those things! To the Eagleburger family, thank you for sharing Dave with the Mesa Public S hooks community! MPS is much better because of Dave and his excellent leadership!!!

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