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Charles Dale Porter

03/17/2001 - 01/07/2021
Service Date: 01/17/2021
Service Time: 2:00PM
Service Location: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 2222 N. 40th St., Phoenix, AZ
Visitation Date: 01/17/2021
Visitation Time: 1:00PM to 1:45PM
Visitation Location: Relief Society Room
Interment: City of Mesa Cemetery

Lance Corporal Charles Dale Porter, our beloved Chas, passed away on Thursday, January 7, 2020 at 1:29 pm in a motorcycle accident in La Jolla, California. He worked hard and played hard and had the kind of adventurous spirit that brought life into every room he walked into.

Chas was born in Provo, Utah on March 17, 2001 to Devan Stapley Porter and Olivia Justine Demek Porter. Soon thereafter, the family moved to Arizona and, with his cousins by his side, Chas quickly took life by the horns. Chas was an incredibly active child who enjoyed being outside as often as possible, climbing anything and everything. He loved swimming and trying his hand at any sport his mom would offer to sign him up for. T-ball, swim team, soccer; you name it, Chas was all for it.

Chas had an amazing ability to make his body do whatever he wanted it to. He loved rock climbing, hiking, running, swimming, ultimate frisbee, basketball, lacrosse, and weight training. He loved roller blading, biking, and boxing. He loved physical challenges that required mental strength. He could persevere like a pioneer!

Just before Chas started second grade, the family moved to the island of Alameda, CA, where the adventures for Chas just kept coming. He helped form the inaugural season of the Alameda Attack lacrosse team and went on to play for the team for eight years. He attended Otis Elementary School, Lincoln Middle School, and Alameda High School and excelled in school. He took up the saxophone and joined marching band in middle school and jazz band in high school. It was also during this time that Chas began to compose music on the piano.

Chas was an amazing big brother. He was excited for each and every sibling that came to our home and he nurtured and cared for all of his brothers and sisters. When his mom went to law school, Chas stepped up to help in a big way by babysitting his siblings every afternoon for a couple of hours. He had a gift for teaching and used this gift to teach his brothers and sisters everything. From how to tie shoes to how to read to how to break into the house when you forgot the key; Chas was his siblings go-to guy.

Just prior to his sophomore year, the family moved back to Arizona. Chas worked side by side with his father, renovating the family home. He relished in the demolition, ripping out kitchen cabinets, tearing up tile and carpet, opening walls and single handedly removing a cast-iron bathtub. He also took great pride in his craftsmanship and building skills. He built beams, closed walls, painted and stained walls and doors, and laid a ton of rock. His favorite project was a giant barn door he and his dad made from recycled wood.

After graduating from Arcadia High School in 2019, Chas enlisted in the Marines because he wanted to be useful to his community and serve his country. He also joined because he knew it would push him to reach new physical and mental heights. Chas loved a challenge! After graduating boot camp in January 2020, he began training to become a part of the Marine’s special forces Reconnaissance division. He graduated from the Basic Reconnaissance Course and became a member of Force Recon in December of 2020.

Chas is survived by his parents, Devan and Olivia; his brothers, Benjamin and Isaac; his sisters, Avery and June; his grandparents, Dale and Jana Porter, Charles and Juneanne Demek; lots of amazing cousins, aunts, and uncles. Thankfully, Chas is not alone, as he was preceded in death by his loving Grammy and two cousins, Kylie and James.

Chas lived life to the fullest! He loved his family and friends. He loved music, adventure, and the outdoors. The separation will be painful, but the reunion will be amazing. We love you, Chasbo.


  • Silvia V Suarez

    The Porter Family: My deepest condolences for your terrible loss. I met him briefly at Nick’s seaside wedding in California. My heart aches for you all. Please know you are all in our prayers. God be with and console you.

  • Lynne Rose Maylath

    Olivia: I write with a heavy heart, and send my deepest sympathy to you and your wonderful family. But I could not help but smile as I read about your son. What a wonderful young man, your Chas. How proud you must be of this extraordinary, magnetic, delightful, talented human. How fortunate he was to be born into a family who so obviously delights in him, and celebrates his singularly exceptional ways. I am deeply sorry for your loss. Your family is in my thoughts.

  • Devan and Olivia, my deepest sympathies to you and your family. A terrible loss, but an amazing life! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Your love is in this world and so will Chas be with you as the world is in your love.

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